PEACE, noun [Latin pax, paco, to appease.]
1. In a general sense, a state of quiet or tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or agitation; applicable to society, to individuals, or to the temper of the mind.
2. Freedom from war with a foreign nation; public quiet.
3. Freedom from internal commotion or civil war.
4. Freedom from private quarrels, suits or disturbance.
5. Freedom from agitation or disturbance by the passions, as from fear, terror, anger, anxiety or the like; quietness of mind; tranquillity; calmness; quiet of conscience.
Great peace have they that love the law. Psalms 119:165.
6. Heavenly rest; the happiness of heaven.
7. Harmony; concord; a state of reconciliation between parties at variance.
8. Public tranquillity; that quiet, order and security which is guaranteed by the laws; as, to keep the peace; to break the peace
This word is used in commanding silence or quiet; as, peace to this troubled soul.
PEACE, the lovers are asleep.
To be at peace to be reconciled; to live in harmony.
To make peace to reconcile, as parties at variance.
To hold the peace to be silent; to suppress one's thoughts; not to speak.