

American Dictionary of the English Language

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POUNCE, noun pouns.

1. Gum-sandarach pulverized, a fine powder used to prevent ink from spreading on paper.

2. Charcoal dust inclosed in some open stuff, as muslin, etc. to be passed over holes pricked in the work, to mark the lines or designs on a paper underneath. This kind of pounce is used by embroiderers to transfer their patterns upon their stuffs; also by lace-makers, and sometimes by engravers. It is also used in varnishing.

3. Cloth worked in eyelet-holes.

POUNCE, verb transitive To sprinkle or rub with pounce

POUNCE,noun [Latin pungo.] The claw or talon of a bird of prey.

POUNCE, verb intransitive To fall on suddenly; to fall on and seize with the claws; as, a rapacious fowl pounces on a chicken.