American Dictionary of the English Language

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SCRIBE, noun [Latin scriba, from scribo, to write; formed probably on the root of grave, scrape, scrub. The first writing was probably engraving on wood or stone.]

1. In a general sense, a writer. Hence,

2. A notary; a public writer.

3. In ecclesiastical meetings and associations in America, a secretary or clerk; one who records the transactions of an ecclesiastical body.

4. In Scripture and the Jewish history, a clerk or secretary to the king. Seraiah was scribe to king David.

2 Samuel 8:17.

5. An officer who enrolled or kept the rolls of the army, and called over the names and reviewed them. 2 Chronicles 24:11. 2 Kings 25:19.

6. A writer and a doctor of the law; a man of learning; one skilled in the law; one who read and explained the law to the people. Ezra 8:1.

SCRIBE, verb transitive To mark by a model or rule; to mark so as to fit one piece to another; a term used by carpenters and joiners.