1. Keenness of an edge or point; as the sharpness of a razor or a dart.
2. Not obtuseness.
3. Pungency; acidity; as the sharpness of vinegar.
4. Pungency of pain; keenness; severity of pain or affliction; as the sharpness of pain, grief or anguish.
5. Painfulness; afflictiveness; as the sharpness or calamity.
And the best quarrels in the heat are curst
By those that feel their sharpness. Shak.
6. Sverity of language; pungency; satirical sarcasm; as the sharpness of a satire or rebuke.
Some did all folly with just sharpness blame. Dryden.
7. Acuteness of intellect; the power of nice discernment; quickness of understanding; ingenuity; as sharpness of wit or understanding.
8. Quickness of sense or perception; as the sharpness of sight.
9. Keenness; sverity as the sharpness of the air or weather.