STILL, verb transitive [G., to put, set, place, Gr., to send, and with style, stool, stall.]
1. To stop, as motion or agitation; to check or restrain; to make quiet; as, to still the raging sea.
2. T stop, as noise; to silence.
With his name the mothers still their babes.
3. To appease; to calm; to quiet; as tumult, agitation or excitement; as, to still the passions.
STILL, adjective
1. Silent; uttering no sound; applicable to animals or to things. The company or the man is still; the air is still; the sea is still
2. Quiet; calm; not disturbed by noise; as a still evening.
3. Motionless; as, to stand still; to lie or sit still
4. Quiet; calm; not agitated; as a still atmosphere.
STILL, noun Calm; silence; freedom from noise; as the still of midnight. [A poetic word.]
STILL, adverb
1. To this time; till now.
It hath been anciently reported, and is still received. [Still here denotes this time; set or fixed.]
2. Nevertheless; notwithstanding.
The desire of fame betrays an ambitious man into indecencies that lessen his reputation; he is still afraid lest any of his actions should be thrown away in private.
[Still here signifies set, given, and refers to the whole of the first clause of the sentence. The desire of fame betrays an ambitious man into indecencies that lessen his reputation; that fact being given or set, or notwithstanding, he is afraid, etc.]
3. It precedes or accompanies words denoting increase of degree.
The moral perfections of the Deity, the more attentively we consider them, the more perfectly still shall we know them.
[This is not correct.]
4. Always; ever; continually.
Trade begets trade, and people go much where many people have already gone; so men run still to a crowd in the streets, though only to see.
The fewer still you name, you wound the more.
5. After that; after what is stated.
In the primitive church, such as by fear were compelled to sacrifice to strange gods, after repented, and kept still the office of preaching the gospel.
6. In continuation.
And, like the watchful minutes to the hour, still and anon cheerd up the heavy time.
STILL, noun [Latin , to drop. See Distill.] A vessel, boiler or copper used in the distillation of liquors; as vapor ascending of the still The word is used in a more general sense for the vessel and apparatus. A still house is also called a still
STILL, verb transitive [Latin] To expel spirit from liquor by heat and condense it in a refrigeratory; to distill. [See Distill.]
STILL, verb intransitive To drop. [Not in use. See Distill.]