THERE, adverb
1. In that place.
The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there he put the man whom he had formed. Genesis 2:5.
2. It is sometimes opposed to here; there denoting the place most distant.
Darkness there might well seem twilight here.
3. Here and there in one place and another; as here a little and there a little.
4. It is sometimes used by way of exclamation; calling the attention to something distant; as there there; see there; look there
5. there is used to begin sentences or before a verb; sometimes pertinently, and sometimes without signification; but its use is to firmly established that it cannot be dispensed with.
Wherever there is sense or perception, there some idea is actually produced.
THERE have been that have delivered themselves from their ills by their good fortune or virtue.
And there came a voice from heaven, saying, thou art my beloved Son. Mark 1:5.
6. In composition, there has the sense of a pronoun, as in Saxon; as thereby, which signifies by that.