WHERE, adverb
1. At which place or places.
She visited the place where first she was so happy--
In all places where I record my name, I will come to thee and I will bless thee. Exodus 20:21.
2. At or in what place.
Adam, where art thou? Genesis 3:9.
3. At the place in which.
WHERE I though the remnant of my age should have been cherishd by her child-like duty.
4. Whither; to what place, or from what place. where are you going? where are you from? [These uses of where are common, and the first cannot be condemned as vulgar.]
Any where in any place. I sought the man, but could not find him any where
[Note. where seems to have been originally a noun, and was so used by Spenser. He shall find no where safe to him. In this sense, it is obsolete; yet it implies place, its original signification.]