ACQUI'RE, verb transitive [Latin acquiro, ad and quaero to seek, that is to follow, to press, to urge; acquiro signifies to pursue to the end or object; Heb. to seek, to make towards, to follow. The Latin quaesivi, unless contracted, is probably from a different root. See class Gr. and Gs.]
To gain, by any means, something which is in a degree permanent, or which becomes vested or inherent in the possessor; as, to acquire a title, estate, learning, habits, skill, dominion, etc. Plants acquire a green color from the solar rays. a mere temporary possession is not expressed by acquire but by gain, obtain, procure, as to obtain [not acquire] a book on loan.
Descent is the title whereby a man, on the death of his ancestor, acquires his estate, by right of representation, as his heir at law.