AGREE', verb intransitive [Latin gratia. the primary sense is advancing, from the same root as Latin gradior.]
1. To be of one mind; to harmonize in opinion.
In the expediency of the law, all the parties agree
2. To live in concord, or without contention; as, parents and children agree well together.
3. To yield assent; to approve or admit; followed by to; as, to agree to an offer, or to an opinion.
4. To settle by stipulation, the minds of parties being agreed, as to the terms; as,
Didst thou not agree with me for a penny a day? Matthew 20:13
To agree on articles of partnership
5. To come to a compromise of differences; to be reconciled.
AGREE with thy adversary quickly. Matthew 5:25
6. To come to one opinion or mind; to concur; as, to agree on a place of meeting.
This sense differs not essentially from the fourth, and it often implies a resolving to do an act. John 9:22.
7. To be consistent; to harmonize; not to contradict, or be repugnant.
Their witness agreed not together. Mark 14:56.
This story agrees with what has been related by others.
8. To resemble; to be similar; as, the picture does not agree with the original.
9. To suit; to be accommodated or adapted to; as, the same food does not agree with every constitution.
AGREE', verb transitive To admit, or come to one mind concerning; as, to agree the fact. Also, to reconcile or make friends; to put an end to variance; but these senses are unusual and hardly legitimate. Let the parties agree the fact, is really elliptical; let them agree on the fact.