APPAR'EL, noun [Latin paro, apparo, to prepare; Heb. bara]
1. Clothing; vesture; garments; dress.
2. External habiliments or decorations; appearance; as, religion appears in the natural apparel of simplicity.
Glorious in apparel Isaiah 63:1.
3. The furniture of a ship, as sails, rigging, anchors, etc.
APPAR'EL, verb transitive
1. To dress or clothe.
They who are gorgeously appareled are in kings court.
2. To adorn with dress.
She did apparel her apparel
3. To dress with external ornaments; to cover with something ornamental; to cover, as with garments; as, trees appareled with flowers; or a garden with verdure.
4. To furnish with external apparatus; as ships appareled for sea.