'ARTICLE, noun [Latin articulus, a joint, from artus; Gr.]
1. A single clause in a contract, account system of regulations, treaty, or other writing; a particular separate charge or item, in an account; a term, condition, or stipulation, in a contract. In short, a distinct part of a writing, instrument or discourse, consisting of two or more particulars; as, articles of agreement; an account consisting of many articles.
2. A point of faith; a doctrinal point or proposition in theology; as the thirty-nine articles.
3. A distinct part.
Upon each article of human duty.
4. A particular commodity, or substance; as, an article of merchandise; salt is a necessary article In common usage, this word is applied to almost every separate substance or material.
The articles which compose the blood.
5. A point of time. [Not in use.]
6. In botany, that part of a stalk or stem, which is between two joints.
7. In grammar, an adjective used before nouns, to limit or define their application; as hic, ille, ipse, in Latin; in Greek; the, this, that, in English. The primary use of these adjectives was to convert an indeterminate name into a determinate one; or to limit the application of a common name, to a specific, known, or certain individual. But article being an improper term to express the true signification, I make use of definitive, which see.
'ARTICLE, verb transitive
1. To draw up in distinct particulars; as, to article the errors or follies of a man.
2. To accuse or charge by an exhibition of articles. 'He shall be articled against in the High Court of admiralty.' Stat. 33. George III.
3. To bind by articles of covenant or stipulation; as, to article an apprentice to a mechanic.
'ARTICLE, verb intransitive [supra.] To agree by articles; to stipulate.