BARE, adjective [This word is from opening, separating, stripping.]
1. Naked, without covering; as, the arm is bare; the trees are bare
2. With the head uncovered, from respect.
3. Plain; simple; unadorned; without the polish of refined manners.
4. Laid open to view; detected; no longer concealed.
5. Poor; destitute; indigent; empty; unfurnished.
I have made Esau bare Jer.xlix.
6. Alone; unaccompanied.
7. Thread-bare; much worn.
8. Wanting clothes; or ill supplied with garments.
Under bare poles, at sea, signifies having no sail set.
It is often followed by of; as, the country is bare of money.
BARE, verb transitive [See bare adj.]
To strip off the covering; to make naked; as, to bare the breast.
BARE, the old preterit of bear, now bore.