BIRTH, noun berth. [Latin partus, the participle of pario, to bear.]
1. The act of coming into life, or of being born. Except in poetry, it is generally applied to human beings; as the birth of a son.
2. Lineage; extraction; descent; as, Grecian birth
It is used of high or low extraction; but is often used by way of distinction for a descent from noble or honorable parents and ancestors; as a man of birth
3. The condition in which a person is born.
A foe by birth to Troy.
4. That which is born; that which is produced, whether animal or vegetable.
5. The act of bringing forth; as, she had two children at a birth
6. In a theological sense, regeneration is called the new birth
7. Origin; beginning; as the birth of an empire.
BIRTH, BERTH, noun A station in which a ship rider. [See Berth.]