BIT'TER, adjective
1. Sharp, or biting to the taste; acrid; like wormwood.
2. Sharp; cruel; severe; as bitter enmity. Hebrews 1:1.
3. Sharp, as words, reproachful; sarcastic.
4. Sharp to the feeling; piercing; painful; that makes to smart; as a bitter cold day, or a bitter blast.
5. Painful to the mind; calamitous; poignant; as a bitter fate.
6. Afflicted; distressed.
The Egyptians made their lives bitter Exodus 1:14.
7. Hurtful; very sinful.
Is an evil and bitter thing. Jeremiah 2:19.
8. Mournful; distressing; expressive of misory; as a bitter complaint or lamentation. Job 23:2. Jeremiah 6:26.
BIT'TER, noun A substance that is bitter [See bitter ]
BIT'TER, noun [See Bitts.] In marine language, a turn of the cable which is round the bitts.
Bitter-end, that part of a cable which is abaft the bitts, and therefore within board, when the ship rides at anchor.