American Dictionary of the English Language

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CONSEQUENCE, noun [Latin , to follow. See Seek.]

1. That which follows from any act, cause, principle, or series of actions. Hence, an event or effect produced by some preceding act or cause.

Shun the bitter consequence; for know, the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt die.

The consequences of intemperance are disgrace, poverty, disease and premature death.

2. In logic, a proposition collected from the agreement of other previous propositions; the conclusion which results from reason or argument; inference; deduction.

Every rational being is accountable to his maker; man is a rational being; the consequence then must be, that man is accountable to his maker.

From this train of argument, the consequence is obvious.

3. Connection of cause and effect; consecution.

I felt that I must after thee, with this my son; such fatal consequence unites us three.

4. Influence; tendency, as to effects. The sense of consequence in this use, is modified by the words connected with it; as, it is of little consequence that is, of little importance, small effects will follow; it is of no consequence of no moment, no effect of importance will follow; it is of great consequence of great importance, great effects will follow.

5. Importance; extensive influence; distinction; as a man of great consequence in society.

In consequence by means of; as the effect of.