DAMP, adjective
1. Moist; humid; being in a state between dry and wet; as a damp cloth; damp air; sometimes, foggy; as, the atmosphere is damp; but it may be damp without visible vapor.
2. Dejected; sunk; depressed; chilled.
DAMP, noun
1. Moist air; humidity; moisture; fog.
2. Dejection; depression of spirits; chill. We say, to strike a damp or to cast a damp on the spirits.
3. Damps. plural Noxious exhalations issuing from the earth, and deleterious or fatal to animal life. These are often known to exist in wells, which continue long covered and not used, and in mines and coal-pits; and sometimes they issue from the old lavas of volcanoes. These damps are usually the carbonic acid gas, vulgarly called choke-damp, which instantly suffocates; or some inflammable gas, called fire-damp.
DAMP, verb transitive
1. To moisten; to make humid, or moderately wet.
2. To chill; to deaden; to depress or deject; to abate; as, to damp the spirits; to damp the ardor of passion.
3. To weaken; to make dull; as, to damp sound.
4. To check or restrain, as action or vigor; to make languid; to discourage; as, to damp industry.