DARE, verb intransitive preterit tense durst. To have courage to any purpose; to have strength of mind or hardihood to undertake anything; to be bold enough; not to be afraid; to venture; to be adventurous.
I dare do all that may become a man. Shak.
DARE any of you go to law before the unjust? 1
Cor. vi
None of his disciples durst ask him, who art thou.
In this intransitive sense, dare is not generally followed by the sign to before another verb in the infinitive; though to may be used with propriety. In German, the verb is numbered among the auxiliaries. In the transitive form, it is regular; thus,
DARE, verb transitive preterit tense and participle passive dared. To challenge; to provoke; to defy; as, to dare a man to fight.
Time, I dare thee to discover such a youth and
such a lover. Dryden.
To dare larks, to catch them by means of a looking glass, or by keeping a bird of prey hovering aloft, which keeps them in amaze till caught; to terrify or amaze.
DARE, Defiance; challenge.
DARE, noun A small fish, the same as the dace.