EASE, noun s as z. [Latin otium.]
1. Rest; an undisturbed state. Applied to the body, freedom from pain, disturbance, excitement or annoyance. He sits at his ease He takes his ease
2. Applied to the mind, a quiet state; tranquillity; freedom from pain, concern, anxiety, solicitude, or any thing that frets or ruffles the mind.
His soul shall dwell at ease Psalms 25:13.
Wo to them that are at ease in Zion. Amos 6:1.
3. Rest from labor.
4. Facility; freedom from difficulty or great labor. One man will perform this service with ease This author writes with ease
5. Freedom from stiffness, harshness, forced expressions, or unnatural arrangement; as the ease of style.
6. Freedom from constraint or formality; unaffectedness; as ease of behavior.
At ease in an undisturbed state; free from pain or anxiety.
, verb transitive To free from pain or any disquiet or annoyance, as the body; to relieve; to give rest to; as, the medicine has eased the patient.
1. To free from anxiety, care or disturbance, as the mind; as, the late news has eased my mind.
2. To remove a burden from, either of body or mind; to relieve; with of. ease me of this load; ease them of their burdens.
3. To mitigate; to alleviate; to assuage; to abate or remove in part any burden, pain, grief, anxiety or disturbance.
EASE thou somewhat the grievous servitude of thy father. 2 Chronicles 10:4.
4. To quiet; to allay; to destroy; as, to ease pain.
To ease off or ease away, in seamen's language, is to slacken a rope gradually.
To ease a ship, is to put the helm hard alee, to prevent her pitching, when close hauled.