EL'EVATE, verb transitive [Latin elevo; e and levo, to raise; Eng. to lift. See Lift.]
1. To raise, in a literal and general sense; to raise from a low or deep place to a higher.
2. To exalt; to raise to higher state or station; as, to elevate a man to an office.
3. To improve, refine or dignify; to raise from or above low conceptions; as, to elevate the mind.
4. To raise from a low or common state; to exalt; as, to elevate the character; to elevate a nation.
5. To elate with price.
6. To excite; to cheer; to animate; as, to elevate the spirits.
7. To take from; to detract; to lessen by detraction. [Not used.]
8. To raise from any tone to one more acute; as, to elevate the voice.
9. To augment or swell; to make louder, as sound.
EL'EVATE, adjective [Latin elevatus.] Elevated; raised aloft.