EXAM'INE, verb transitive egzam'in. [Latin examino, from examen.]
1. To inspect carefully, with a view to discover truth or the real state of a thing; as, to examine a ship to know whether she is sea-worthy, or a house to know whether repairs are wanted.
2. To search or inquire into facts and circumstances by interrogating; as, to examine a witness.
3. To look into the state of a subject; to view in all its aspects; to weigh arguments and compare facts, with a view to form a correct opinion or judgment. Let us examine this proposition; let us examine this subject in all its relations and bearing; let us examine into the state of this question.
4. To inquire into the improvements or qualifications of students, by interrogatories, proposing problems, or by hearing their recitals; as, to examine the classes in college; to examine the candidates for a degree, or for a license to preach or to practice in a profession.
5. To try or assay by experiments; as, to examine minerals.
6. To try by a rule or law.
Examine yourselves whether ye are in the faith. 2 Corinthians 13:5.
7. In general, to search; to scrutinize; to explore, with a view to discover truth; as, to examine ourselves; to examine the extent of human knowledge.