GAME, noun
1. Sport of any kind.
2. Jest; opposed to earnest; as, betwixt earnest and game [Not used.]
3. An exercise or play for amusement or winning a stake; as a game of cricket; a game of chess; a game of whist. Some games depend on skill; others on hazard.
4. A single match at play.
5. Advantage in play; as, to play the game into another's hand.
6. Scheme pursued; measures planned.
This seems to be the present game of that crown.
7. Field sports; the chase, falconry, etc.
8. Animals pursued or taken in the chase, or in the sports of the field; animals appropriated in England to legal sportsmen; as deer, hares, etc.
9. In antiquity, games were public diversions or contests exhibited as spectacles for the gratification of the people. These games consisted of running, leaping, wrestling, riding, etc. Such were the Olympic games, the Pythian, the Isthmian, the Nemean, etc., among the Greeks; and among the Romans, the Apollinarian, the Circensian, the Capitoline, etc.
10. Mockery; sport; derision; as, to make game of a person.
GAME, verb intransitive To play at any sport or diversion.
1. To play for a stake or prize; to use cards, dice, billiards or other instruments, according to certain rules, with a view to win money or other thing waged upon the issue of the contest.
2. To practice gaming.