GO'ING, participle present tense [from go.] Moving; walking; traveling; turning; rolling; flying; sailing, etc.
GO'ING, noun The act of moving in any manner.
1. The act of walking.
2. Departure.
3. Pregnancy.
4. Procedure; way; course of life; behavior; deportment; used chiefly in the plural.
His eyes are on the ways of man, and he seeeth all his goings. Job 34:21.
5. Procedure; course of providential agency or government.
They have seen thy goings, O God; even the goings of my God, my King, in the sanctuary. Psalms 68:24.
Going out,
Goings out, In scripture, utmost extremity or limit; the point where an extended body terminates. Numbers 34:5.9.
1. Departure or journeying. Numbers 33:2.