GRAV'ITY, noun [Latin gravitas, from gravis, heavy. See Grave.]
1. Weight; heaviness.
2. In philosophy, that force by which bodies tend or are pressed or drawn towards the center of the earth, or towards some other center, or the effect of that force; in which last sense gravity is synonymous with weight.
Gravity is the tendency of great bodies to a center, or the sum or results of all the attractions of all the molecules composing a great body.
3. Specific gravity the weight belonging to an equal bulk of every different substance. Thus the exact weight of a cubic inch of gold, compared with that of a cubic inch of gold, compared with that of a cubic inch of water or tin, is called its specific gravity The specific gravity of bodies is usually ascertained by weighing them in distilled water.
4. Seriousness; sobriety of manners; solemnity of deportment or character.
Great Cato there, for gravity renowned.
5. Weight; enormity; atrociousness; as the gravity of an injury. [Not used.
6. In music, lowness of sound.