American Dictionary of the English Language

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L'AST, adjective [See Late and Let.]

1. That comes after all the others; the latest; applied to time; as the last hour of the day; the last day of the year.

2. That follows all the others; that is behind all the others in place; hindmost; as, this was the last man that entered the church.

3. Beyond which there is no more.

Here, last of Britons, let your names be read.

4. Next before the present; as the last week; the last year.

5. Utmost.

Their last endeavors bend, T' outshine each other.

It is an object of the last importance.

6. Lowest; meanest.

Antilochus takes the lst prize.

At last at the last at the end; in the conclusion.

Gad, a troop shall overcome him; but he shall overcome at the last Genesis 49:1.

To the last to the end; till the conclusion.

And blunder on in business to the last

In the phrases, 'you are the last man I should consult' 'this is the last place in which I should expect to find you, ' the word last implies improbability; this is the most improbable place, and therefore I should resort to it last

L'AST, adverb

1. The last time; the time before the present. I saw him last at New York.

2. In conclusion; finally.

Pleased with his idol, he commends, admires, adores; and last the thing adored desires.

L'AST, verb intransitive [See Let.]

1. To continue in time; to endure; to remain in existence. Our government cannot last long unless administered by honest men.

2. To continue unimpaired; not to decay or perish. Select for winter the best apples to last This color will last

3. To hold out; to continue unconsumed. The captain knew he had not water on board to last a week.

L'AST, noun [See Load.]

A load; hence, a certain weight or measure. A last of codfish, white herrings, meal, and ashes, is twelve barrels; a last of corn is ten quarters or eighty bushels; of gun powder, twenty four barrels; of red herrings, twenty cades; of hides, twelve dozen; of leather, twenty dickers; of pitch and tar, fourteen barrels; of wool, twelve sacks; of flax or feathers, 1700 pounds.

L'AST, noun

A mold or form of the human foot, made of wood, on which shoes are formed.

The cobbler is not to go beyond his last