LEND, verb transitive preterit tense and participle passive lent.
1. To grant to another for temporary use, on the express or implied condition that the thing shall be returned; as, to lend a book; or
2. To grant a thing to be used, on the condition that its equivalent in kind shall be returned; as, to lend a sum of money, or a loaf of bread.
3. To afford; to grant; to furnish, in general; as, to lend assistance; to lend an ear to a discourse.
Cato, lend me for a while they patience.
4. To grant for temporary use, on condition of receiving a compensation at certain periods for the use of the thing, and an ultimate return of the thing, or its full value. Thus money is lent on condition of receiving interest for the use, and of having the principal sum returned at the stipulated time. lend is correlative to borrow.
5. To permit to use for another's benefit. A lent his name to obtain money from the bank.
6. To let for hire or compensation; as, to lend a horse or gig. [This sense is used by Paley, and probably may be common in England. But in the United States, I believe, the word is never thus used, except in reference to money. We lend money upon interest, but never lend a coach or horse for a compensation. We use let.]