LIV'ERY, noun
1. The act of delivering possession of lands or tenements; a term of English law. It is usual to say, livery of seisin, which is feudal investiture, made by the delivery of a turf, of a rod or twig, from the feoffor to the feoffee. In America, no such ceremony is necessary to a conveyance of real estate, the delivery of a deed being sufficient.
2. Release from wardship; deliverance.
3. The writ by which possession os obtained.
4. The state of being kept at a certain rate; as, to keep horses at livery
5. A form of dress by which noblemen and gentlemen distinguish their servants. The Romish church has also liveries for confessors, virgins, apostles, martyrs, penitents, etc. Hence,
6. A particular dress or garb, appropriate or peculiar to particular times or things; as the livery of May; the livery of autumn.
Now came still evening on, and twilight gray had in her sober livery all things clad.
7. The whole body of liverymen in London.
LIV'ERY, verb transitive To clothe in livery