American Dictionary of the English Language

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LOWER, verb transitive [from low.]

1. To cause to descend; to let down; to take or bring down; as, to lower the main-sail of a sloop.

2. To suffer to sink downwards.

3. To bring down; to reduce or humble; as, to lower the pride of man.

4. To lessen; to diminish; to reduce, as value or amount; as, to lower the price or value of goods, or the rate of interest.

LOWER, verb intransitive To fall; to sink; to grow less.

LOW'ER, verb intransitive

1. To appear dark or gloomy; to be clouded; to threaten a storm.

And all the clouds that lowered upon your house.

The lowering spring.

2. To frown; to look sullen.

But sullen discontent sat lowering on her face.

LOW'ER, noun

1. Cloudiness; gloominess.

2. A frowning; sullenness.

LOWER, adjective [comparative of low.] Less high or elevated.