American Dictionary of the English Language

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NEAR, adjective [This seems to be a contracted word, from nigher, the comparative of neh, nih or nieh; strait, narrow; to narrow]

1. Nigh; not far distant in place, time or degree. Regularly, near should be followed by to, but this is often omitted. We say, a house stands near a river; a friend sits near me; the man fell and was near destruction.

And Jacob went near to Isaac his father. Genesis 27:21.

Now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Romans 13:11.

2. Closely related by blood.

She is thy fathers near kinswoman. Leviticus 18:6.

3. Not distant in affection, support or assistance; present; ready; willing to aid.

Call upon the Lord, while he is near Isaiah 55:6.

4. Intimate; united in close ties of affection or confidence; as a near friend.

5. Dear; affecting ones interest or feelings; as a near concern.

My nearest life.

6. Close; parsimonious.

7. Close; not loose, free or rambling; as a version near the original.

8. Next to one; opposed to off; as the near horse or ox in a team.

NEAR, adverb Almost; within a little. It is near twelve oclock. The payment of such a sum would go near to ruin him.

NEAR, verb transitive To approach; to come nearer; as, the ship neared the land; a seamans phrase.