OBLI'GE, verb transitive pronounced as written, not oblege. [Latin obligo; ob and ligo, to bind.]
1. To constrain by necessity; to compel by physical force. an admiral may be obliged to surrender his ships, or he may be obliged by adverse winds to delay sailing.
2. To constrain by legal force; to bind in law. We are obliged to pay toll for supporting roads and bridges.
3. To bind or constrain by moral force. We are obliged to believe positive and unsuspected testimony.
4. To bind in conscience or honor; to constrain by a sense of propriety. We are often obliged to conform to established customs, rites or ceremonies. To be obliged to yield to fashion is often the worst species of tyranny.
5. To do a favor to; to lay under obligation of gratitude; as, to oblige one with a loan of money.
6. To do a favor to; to please; to gratify. oblige us with your company at dinner.
7. To indebt.
To those hills we are obliged for all our metals.