1. Origin. [See Origin, with which it accords in signification.]
2. Fountain; source; cause; that from which any thing primarily proceeds; that which gives existence or beginning. The apostasy is believed to have been the origin of moral evil. The origin of many of our customs is lost in antiquity. Nations, like individuals, are ambitious to trace their descent from an honorable origin.
ORIG'INAL, adjective [Latin orginialis.]
1. First in order; preceding all others; as the original state of man; the original laws of a country; original rights or powers; the original question in debate.
2. Primitive; pristine; as the original perfection of Adam.
Original sin, as applied to Adam, was his first act of disobedience in eating the forbidden fruit; as applied to his posterity, it is understood to mean either the sin of Adam imputed to his posterity, or that corruption of nature, or total depravity, which has been derived from him in consequence of his apostasy. On this subject divines are not agreed.
In strictness, original sin is an improper use of words, as sin, ex vi termini, implies volition and the transgression of a known rule of duty by a moral agent. But this application of the words has been established by long use, and it serves to express ideas which many wise and good men entertain on this subject.
3. Having the power to originate new thoughts or combinations of thought; as an original genius.