PAIN, noun [Latin paena; Gr. penalty, and pain labor.]
1. An uneasy sensation in animal bodies, of any degree from slight uneasiness to extreme distress or torture, proceeding from pressure, tension or spasm, separation of parts by violence, or any derangement of functions. Thus violent pressure or stretching of a limb gives pain; inflammation produces pain; wounds, bruises and incisions give pain
2. Labor; work; toil; laborious effort. In this sense, the plural only is used; as, to take pains; to be at the pains.
High without taking pains to rise.
The same with pains we gain, but lose with ease.
3. Labor; toilsome effort; task; in the singular. [Not now used.]
4. Uneasiness of mind; disquietude; anxiety; solicitude for the future; grief, sorrow for the past. We suffer pain when we fear or expect evil; we feel pain at the loss of friends or property.
5. The throws or distress of travail or childbirth.
She bowed herself and travailed, for her pains came upon her. 1 Samuel 4:19.
6. Penalty; punishment suffered or denounced; suffering or evil inflicted as a punishment for a crime, or annexed to the commission of a crime.
None shall presume to fly under pain of death.
Interpose, on pain of my displeasure.
PAIN, verb transitive
1. To make uneasy or to disquiet; to cause uneasy sensations in the body, of any degree of intensity; to make simply uneasy, or to distress, to torment. The pressure of fetters may pain a limb; the rack pains the body.
2. To afflict; to render uneasy in mind; to disquiet; to distress. We are pained at the death of a friend; grief pains the heart; we are often pained with fear or solicitude.
I am pained at my very heart. Jeremiah 4:19.
3. Reciprocally, to pain one's self, to labor; to make toilsome efforts. [Little Used.]