PEEP, verb intransitive [Latin pipio; Heb. to cry out.]
1. To begin to appear; to make the first appearance; to issue or come forth from concealment, as through a narrow avenue.
I can see his pride
PEEP through each part of him.
When flowers first peeped--
2. To look through a crevice; to look narrowly, closely or slyly.
A fool will peep in at the door.
Thou are a maid and must not peep
3. To cry, as chickens; to utter a fine shrill sound, as through a crevice; usually written pip, but without reason, as it is the same word as is here defined, and in America is usually pronounced peep
PEEP, noun First appearance; as the peep of day.
1. A sly look, or a look through a crevice.
2. The cry of a chicken.