POS'ITIVELY, adverb Absolutely; by itself, independent of any thing else; not comparatively.
Good and evil removed may be esteemed good or evil comparatively, and not positively or simply.
1. Not negatively; really; in its own nature; directly; inherently. A thing is positively good, when it produces happiness by its own qualities or operation. It is negatively good, when it prevents an evil, or does not produce it.
2. Certainly; indubitably. This is positively your handwriting.
3. Directly; explicitly; expressly. The witness testified positively to the fact.
4. Peremptorily; in strong terms.
The divine law positively requires humility and meekness.
5. With full confidence or assurance. I cannot speak positively in regard to the fact.
Positively electrified, in the science of electricity. A body is said to be positively electrified or charged with electric matter, when it contains a superabundance of the fluid, and negatively electrified or charged, when some part of the fluid which it naturally contains, has been taken from it.
According to other theorists, when the electric fluid is directed outwards from a body, the substance is electrified positively; but when it is entering or has a tendency to enter another substance, the body is supposed to be negatively electrified. The two species of electricity attract each other, and each repels its own kind.