American Dictionary of the English Language

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PROCLA'IM, verb transitive [Latin proclamo; pro and clamo, to cry out. See Claim.]

1. To promulgate; to announce; to publish; as, to proclaim a fast; to proclaim a feast. Leviticus 23:2. 1 Kings 21:9.

He hath sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives. Isaiah 61:1.

2. To denounce; to give official notice of. Heralds were formerly employed to proclaim war.

3. To declare with honor; as, to proclaim the name of the Lord, that is, to declare his perfections. Exodus 33:19.

4. To utter openly; to make public. Some profligate wretches openly proclaim their atheism.

Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness. Proverbs 20:6.

5. To outlaw by public denunciation.

I heard myself proclaimed.