QUICK, verb intransitive
To stir; to move. [Not in use.]
QUICK, adjective [If q is a dialectical prefix, as I suppose, this word coincides with the Latin vigeo, vegeo, and vig, veg, radical, coincide with wag.]
1. Primarily, alive; living; opposed to dead or unanimated; as quick flesh. Leviticus 13:10.
The Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead. 2 Timothy 4:1.
[In this sense, the word is obsolete, except in some compounds or in particular phrases.]
2. Swift; hasty; done with celerity; as quick dispatch.
3. Speedy; done or occurring in a short time; as a quick return of profits.
Oft he to her his charge of quick return repeated.
4. Active; brisk; nimble; prompt ready. He is remarkably quick in his motions. He is a man of quick parts.
5. Moving with rapidity or celerity; as quick time in music.
QUICK with child, pregnant with a living child.
QUICK, adverb
1. Nimbly; with celerity; rapidly; with haste; speedily; without delay; as, run quick; be quick
If we consider how very quick the actions of the mind are performed.
2. Soon; in a short time; without delay. Go, and return quick
QUICK, noun
1. A living animal. obsolete
2. The living flesh; sensible parts; as penetrating to the quick; stung to the quick; cut to the quick
3. Living shrubs or trees; as a ditch or bank set with quick
QUICK, verb transitive To revive; to make alive. obsolete
QUICK, verb intransitive To become alive. obsolete