American Dictionary of the English Language

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ROSE, noun s as z. [Latin , Gr. from the root of red, ruddy. See Red.]

1. A plant and flower of the genus Rosa, of many species and varieties, as the wild canine or dog-rose, the white rose the red rose the cinnamon rose the eglantine or sweet briar, etc. There are five petals; the calyx is urceolate, quinquefid, and corneous; the seeds are numerous, hispid, and fixed to the inside of the calyx.

2. A knot of ribbon in the form of a rose used as an ornamental tie of a shoe.

Under the rose in secret; privately; in a manner that forbids disclosure.

ROSE of Jericho, a plant growing on the plain of Jericho, the Anastatica hierochuntica.

ROSE, preterit tense of rise.