SAME, adjective [Latin simul, together. Gr. Shall we suppose then that s has passed into an aspirate in this word, as in salt, Gr. or has the Greek word lost s? The word same may be the Latin idem or dem, dialectically varied. The primary sense is to set, to place, to put together.]
1. Identical; not different or other.
Thou art the same and thy years shall have no end.
The Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. 1 Corinthians 11:23.
2. Of the identical kind or species, though not the specific thing. We say, the horse of one country is the same animal as the horse of another country. The same plants and fruits are produced in the same latitudes. We see in men in all countries, the same passions and the same vices.
Th' etherial vigor is in all the same
3. That was mentioned before.
Do but think how well the same he spends, who spends his blood his country to relieve.
4. Equal; exactly similar. One ship will not run the same distance as another in the same time, and with the same wind. Two balls of the same size have not always the same weight. Two instruments will not always make the same sound.
SAME, adverb Together. obsolete