SE'CRET, adjective. [Latin secretus. This is given as the participle of secerno, but is radically a different word. The radical sense of seg is to separate, as in Latin seco, to cut off; and not improbably this word is contracted into the Latin se, a prefix in segrego, separo, etc.]
1. Properly, separate; hence, hid; concealed from the notice or knowledge of all persons except the individual or individuals concerned.
I have a secret errand to thee, O king. Judges 3:19.
2. Unseen; private; secluded; being in retirement.
There secret in her sapphire cell,
He with the Nais wont to dwell. Fenton.
3. Removed from sight; private; unknown.
Abide in a secret place, and hide thyself. I Sam. 19.
4. Keeping secrets; faithful to secrets entrusted; as secret Romans. [Unusual.]
5. Private; affording privacy.
6. Occult; not seen; not apparent; as the secret operations of physical causes.
7. Known to God only.
Secret things belong to the Lord our God. Deuteronomy 29:29.
Not proper to be seen; kept or such as ought to be kept from observation.
SE'CRET, noun. [Latin secretum]
1. Something studiously concealed. A man who cannot keep his own secrets, will hardly keep the secrets of others.
To tell our own secrets is often folly; to communicate those of others is treachery.
A talebearer revealeth secrets. Proverbs 11:13
2. A thing not discovered and therefore not known.
All secrets of the deep, all nature's works. Milton.
Hast thou heard the secret of God? Job 15:8.
3. Secrets, plural , The parts which modesty and propriety require to be concealed. In secret, in a private place; in privacy or secrecy; in a state or place not seen; privately.
Bread eaten in secret is pleasant. Proverbs 9:17.
SE'CRET, v. t. To keep private. [Little Used.]