SEN'TENCE, noun [from Latin sententia, from sentio, to think.]
1. In law, a judgement pronounced by a court or judge upon a criminal; a jdicial decision publicly and officially declared in a criminal prosecution. In technical language, sentence is used only for the declaration of judgement against the convicted of a crime. In civil cases, the decision of the court is called a judgement. In criminal cases, sentence is a judgement pronounced; doom.
2. In language not technical, a determination or decision given, particularly a decision that condemns, ar an unfavorable determination.
Let him be sent out lome of Luther's works, that by them we may pass sentence upon his doctrines. Atterbury.
3. An opinion; judgement concerning a controverted point.
4. A maxim; an axiom; a short saying containing moral instruction.
5. Vindication of one's innocence.
6. In grammar, a period; a number of words containing a complete sense or sentiment, and followed by a full pause. Sentences are simple or compound. A simple sentence consists of one subject and one finite verb; as, 'the Lord reigns.' A compound sentence two or more subjects and finite verbs, as in this verse,
He fills, he bounds, connects and equals all. Pope.
A dark sentence, a saying not easily explained.
SEN'TENCE, verb transitive
1. To pass or pronounce the judgement of a court on; to doom; as, to sentence a convict to death, to transportation, or to imprisonment.
2. To condenm; to doom to punisment.
Nature herself is sentenc'd in your doom. Dryden.