SLIGHT, adjective [It seems that slight belongs to the family of sleek, smooth.]
1. Weak; inconsiderable; not forcible; as a slight impulse; a slight effort.
2. Not deep; as a slight impression.
3. Not violent; as a slight disease, illness or indisposition.
4. Trifling; of no great importance. slight is the subject, but not so the praise.
5. Not strong; not cogent. Some firmly embrace doctrines upon slight grounds.
6. Negligent; not vehement; not done with effort. The shaking of the head is a gesture of slight refusal.
7. Not firm or strong; thin; of loose texture; as slight silk.
8. Foolish; silly; weak in intellect.
SLIGHT, noun
1. Neglect; disregard; a moderate degree of contempt manifested negatively by neglect. It expresses less than contempt, disdain and scorn.
2. Artifice; dexterity. [See Sleight.]
SLIGHT, verb transitive
1. To neglect; to disregard from the consideration that a thing is of little value and unworthy of notice; as, to slight the divine commands, or the offers of mercy.
2. To overthrow; to demolish. [Not used.] 'The rogues slighted me into the river, ' in Shakespeare, is [Not used.
TO slight OVER, to run over in haste; to perform superficially; to treat carelessly; as, to slight over a theme.