SMILE, verb intransitive
1. To contract the features of the face in such a manner as to express pleasure, moderate joy, or love and kindness; the contrary to frown. The smiling infant in his hand shall take the crested basilisk and speckled snake. She smil'd to see the doughty hero slain.
2. To express slight contempt by a smiling liik, implying sarcasm or pity; to sneer. 'Twas what I said to Craggs and Child, who prais'd my modesty, and smil'd.
3. To look gay and joyous; or to have an appearance to excite joy; as smiling spring; smiling plenty. The desert smil'd, and paradise was open'd in the wild.
4. To be propitious or favorable; to favor; to countenance. May heaven smile on out labors.
SMILE, verb transitive To awe with a contemptuous smile
1. A peculiar contraction of the features of the face, which naturally expresses pleasure, moderate joy, approbation or kindness; opposed to frown. Sweet intercourse of looks and smiles.
2. Gay or joyous appearance; as the smiles of spring.
3. Favor; countenance; propitiousness; as the smiles of providence.
A smile OF CONTEMPT, a look resembling that of pleasure, but usually or often it can be distinguished by an accompanying archness, or some glance intended to be understood.