STATION, noun [Latin]
1. The act of standing.
Their manner was to stand at prayer--on which their meetings for that purpose received the name of stations.
2. A state of rest.
All progression is preformed by drawing on or impelling forward what was before in station or at quiet. [Rare.]
3. The spot or place where one stands, particularly where a person habitually stands, or is appointed to remain for a time; as the station of a sentinel. Each detachment of troops had its station
4. Post assigned; office; the part or department of public duty which a person is appointed to perform. The chief magistrate occupies the first political station in a nation. Other officers fill subordinate stations. The office of bishop is an ecclesiastical station of great importance. It is the duty of the executive to fill all civil and military stations with men of worth.
5. Situation; position.
The fig and date, why love they to remain in middle station?
6. Employment; occupation; business.
By sending the sabbath in retirement and religious exercises, we gain new strength and resolution to perform Gods will in our several stations the week following.
7. Character; state.
The greater part have kept their station
8. Rank; condition of life. He can be contented with a humble station
9. In church history, the fast of the fourth and sixth days of the week, Wednesday and Friday, in memory of the council which condemned Christ, and of his passion.
10. In the church of Rome, a church where indulgences are to be had on certain days.
STATION, verb transitive To place; to set; or to appoint to the occupation of a post, place or office; as, to station troops on the right or left of an army; to station a sentinel on a rampart; to station ships on the coast of Africa or in the West Indies; to station a man at the head of the department of finance.