VIS'IT, verb transitive [Latin visito, viso, to go to see. We see the sense is to go, to move to.]
1. To go or come to see; to attend. The physician visits his patient and prescribes. One friend visits another from respect or affection. Paul and Barnabas visited the churches they had planted, to know their state and confirm their faith. Men visit England, France or Italy in their travels.
2. To go or come to see for inspection, examination, correction of abuses, etc.; as, a bishop visits his diocese; a superintendent visits those persons or works which are under his care.
3. To salute with a present.
Samson visited his wife with a kid. Judges 15:1.
4. To go to and to use; as, to visit the springs.
To visit in mercy, in Scriptural language, to be propitious; to grant requests; to deliver from trouble; to support and comfort.
It is thus God visits his people. Genesis 21:1. Zechariah 10:3.
To visit with the rod, to punish. Psalms 89:32.
To visit in wrath, or visit iniquity or sings upon, to chastise; to bring judgments on; to afflict. Exodus 20:1.
To visit the fatherless and widow, or the sick and imprisoned, to show them regard and pity, and relieve their wants. Matthew 25:36. James 1:27.
VIS'IT, verb intransitive To keep up the interchange of civilities and salutations; to practice going to see others. We ought not to visit for pleasure or ceremony on the sabbath.
VIS'IT, noun
1. The act of going to see another, or of calling at his house; a waiting on; as a visit of civility or respect; a visit of ceremony; a short visit; a long visit; a pleasant visit
2. The act of going to see; as a visit to Saratoga or to Niagara.
3. A going to see or attending on; as the visit of a physician.
4. The act of going to view or inspect; as the visit of a trustee or inspector.