American Dictionary of the English Language

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WHISPER, verb intransitive [Latin The word seems by its sound to be an onomatopy, as it expresses a sibilant sound or breathing.]

1. To speak with a low hissing or sibilant voice. It is ill manners to whisper in company.

The hollow whispring breeze--

2. To speak with suspicion or timorous caution.

3. To plot secretly; to devise in mischief.

All that hate me whisper together against me. Psalms 41:7.

WHISPER, verb transitive

1. To address in a low voice. He whispers the man in the ear. [But this is elliptical for whispers to.]

2. To utter in a low sibilant voice. He whispered a word in my ear.

3. To prompt secretly; as, the came to whisper Woolsey.


1. A low soft sibilant voice; or words uttered with such a voice.

The whisper cannot give a tone.

Soft whispers through the assembly went.

2. A cautious or timorous speech.

3. A hissing or buzzing sound.