American Dictionary of the English Language

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WHOLE, adjective Hole. [G., Gr. This seems to be connected with heal, hale. Of this the derivative wholesome, is evidence.]

1. All; total; containing the total amount or number, or the entire thing; as the whole earth; the whole world; the whole solar system; the whole army; the whole nation.

2. Complete; entire; not defective or imperfect; as a whole orange; the egg is whole; the vessel is whole

3. Unimpaired; unbroken; uninjured.

My life is yet whole in me. 2 Samuel 1:9.

4. Sound; not hurt or sick.

They that are whole need not a physician. Matthew 9:12.

5. Restored to health and soundness; sound; well.

Thy faith hath made thee whole Mark 5:28.

His hand was restored whole Mark 3:5.

WHOLE, noun

1. The entire thing; the entire or total assemblage of parts. The whole of religion is contained in the short precept, Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself.

Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13.

2. A system; a regular combination of parts.