WORLD, noun [This seems to be a compound word, and probably is named from roundness, the vault; but this is not certain.]
1. The universe; the whole system of created globes or vast bodies of matter.
2. The earth; the terraqueous globe; sometimes called the lower world
3. The heavens; as when we speak of the heavenly world or upper world
4. System of beings; or the orbs which occupy space, and all the beings which inhabit them. Hebrews 11:7.
God--hath in these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things; by whom also he made the worlds. Hebrews 1:6.
There may be other worlds, where the inhabitants have never violated their allegiance to their Almighty sovereign.
5. Present state of existence; as while we are in the world
Behold, these are the ungodly who prosper in the world Psalms 73:12.
6. A secular life. By the world we sometimes understand the things of this world its pleasures and interests. A great part of mankind are more anxious to enjoy the world to than secure divine favor.
7. Public life, or society; as banished from the world
8. Business or trouble of life.
From this world-wearied flesh.
9. A great multitude or quantity; as a world of business; a world of charms.
10. Mankind; people in general; in an indefinite sense. Let the world see your fortitude.
Whose disposition, all the world well knows--
11. Course of life. He begins the world with little property, but with many friends.
12. Universal empire.
This through the east just vengeance hurld, and lost poor Antony the world
13. The customs and manners of men; the practice of life. A knowledge of the world is necessary for a man of business; it is essential to politeness.
14. All the world contains.
Had I a thousand worlds, I would give them all for one year more to devote to God.
15. The principal nations or countries of the earth. Alexander conquered the world
16. The Roman empire.
17. A large tract of country; a wide compass of things.
I must descry new worlds.
18. The inhabitants of the earth; the whole human race. John 3:16.
19. The carnal state or corruption of the earth; as the present evil world; the course of this world Galatians 1:4. Ephesians 2:2.
20. The ungodly part of the world
I pray not for the world but for them that thou hast given men. John 17:5.
21. Time; as in the phrase, world without end.
22. A collection of wonders. [Not in use.]
In the world in possibility. [All the precaution in the world would not save him.]
For all the world
1. Exactly. [Little Used.]
2. For any consideration.