

American Dictionary of the English Language

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Webster's Dictionary 1828

This online edition has been carefully prepared in a proprietary format. All of the words, definitions and examples have been preserved, but the explanations of word origins have been omitted to make using the data in a digital format more accessible. We have omitted Webster's lengthy technical introduction for the same reason.

Scripture references have been standardized in a modern format, and many abbreviations have been expanded for ease in understanding.

Word of the Day


RING'LEADER, noun [ring and leader.] The leader of any association of men engaged in violating of law or an illegal enterprise, as rioters, mutineers and the like. this name is derived from the practice which men associating to oppose law have sometimes adopted, of signing their names to articles of agreement in a ring, that no one of their number might be distinguished as the leader.

First Occurrence in the Bible(KJV): Acts 24:5