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DECLA'RE, verb transitive [Latin to make clear.]

1. To clear; to free from obscurity; to make plain.

2. To make known; to tell explicitly; to manifest or communicate plainly to others by words.

I will declare what he hath done for my soul. Psalms 66:16.

3. To make known; to show to the eye or to the understanding; to exhibit; to manifest by other means than words.

The heavens declare the glory of God. Psalms 19:1.

4. To publish; to proclaim.

Declare his glory among the heathen. 1 Chronicles 16:24.

Declaring the conversion of the Gentiles. Acts 15:4.

5. To assert; to affirm; as, he declares the story to be false.

To declare one's self, to throw off reserve and avow one's opinion; to show openly what one thinks, or which side he espouses.

DECLA'RE, verb intransitive

1. To make a declaration; to proclaim or avow some opinion or resolution in favor or in opposition; to make known explicitly some determination; with for or against; as, the prince declared for the allies; the allied powers declared against France.

Like fawning courtiers, for success they wait;

And then come smiling, and declare for fate.

2. In law, to recite the causes of complaint against the defendant; as, the plaintiff declares in debt or trespass.

3. To show or manifest the issue or event; to decide in favor of; as, victory had not declared for either party.