DISCRIMINATE, verb transitive [Latin , difference, distinction; differently applied; Gr., Latin ]
1. To distinguish; to observe the difference between; as, we may usually discriminate true from false modesty.
2. To separate; to select from others; to make a distinction between; as, in the last judgment, the righteous will be discriminated from the wicked.
3. To mark with notes of difference; to distinguish by some note or mark. We discriminate animals by names, as nature has discriminated them by different shapes and habits.
DISCRIMINATE, verb intransitive
1. To make a difference or distinction; as, in the application of law, and the punishment of crimes, the judge should discriminate between degrees of guilt.
2. To observe or note a difference; to distinguish; as, in judging of evidence, we should be careful to discriminate between probability and slight presumption.
DISCRIMINATE, adjective Distinguished; having the difference marked.