ACCORD', noun The Lat. has concors, concordo.
1. Agreement; harmony of minds; consent or concurrence of opinions or wills.
They all continued with one accord in prayer. Acts 1:14.
2. Concert; harmony of sounds; the union of different sounds, which is agreeable to the ear; agreement in pitch and tone; as the accord of notes; but in this sense, it is more usual to employ concord or chord.
3. Agreement; just correspondence of things; as the accord of light and shade in painting.
4. Will; voluntary or spontaneous motion; used of the will of persons, or the natural motion of other bodies, and preceded by own.
Being more forward of his own accord 2 Corinthians 8:17.
That which groweth of its own accord thou shall not reap. Leviticus 25:5.
5. Adjustment of a difference; reconciliation.
The mediator of an accord
6. In law, an agreement between parties in controversy, by which satisfaction for an injury is stipulated, and which, when executed, bars a suit.
7. Permission, leave.
ACCORD', verb transitive
1. To make to agree, or correspond; to adjust one thing to another.
Her hands accorded the lute's music to the voice.
2. To being to an agreement; to settle, adjust or compose; as to accord suits or controversies.
ACCORD, verb intransitive
1. To agree; to be in correspondence.
My heart accordeth with my tongue.
2. To agree in pitch and tone.